When populating a stacked widget, the widgets are added to an internal list. The indexOf() function returns the index of a widget in that list. The widgets can either be added to the end of the list using the addWidget() function, or inserted at a given index using the insertWidget() function. Problems with Signals & Slots of QT - C / C++ - Byte No such slot QWidget::addPerson()" As u can see this means not GUI, but QWidget. But why? I really cant find the mistake. A friend of mine did the same in another program and it worked. Hope u can help me. Well, your question is actually off-topic here. in comp.lang.c++, we only discuss ISO C++, which doesn't include Qt or signals and slots. Qt for Beginners - Qt Wiki Qt for beginners — Finding information in the documentation. Qt documentation is a very valuable piece of information. It is the place to find everything related to Qt. But, Qt documentation is not a tutorial on how to use Qt. It is a collection of all information related to classes, as well as some examples.
Detailed Description. The QStackedWidget class provides a stack of widgets where only one widget is visible at a time.. QStackedWidget can be used to create a user interface similar to the one provided by QTabWidget.It is a convenience layout widget built on top of the QStackedLayout class.. Like QStackedLayout, QStackedWidget can be constructed and populated with a number of child widgets
在类的声明中没有加上宏:Q_OBJECT 例如: class NoticePage : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT /*your code*/ }; 关于 Q_OBJECT的作用,Qt帮助文档中就有详细介绍,这里不赘叙。鼠标点 Q_OBJECT按F1即 … QObject::connect: No such slot QWidget::* in - aiuxian.com QObject::connect: No such slot QWidget::* in * 共有140篇相关文章:QT 4.7 控件间 互相发送消息例子 QT4:example5 QT4:example6 Q_OBJECT宏的作用 qt,spinbox slider Q_OBJECT宏的作用 qt QTreeWidget使用 qt-spinBos-splider 学习Qt,Getting started Qt学习例子1——HelloWorld 在QT中添加右键菜单 . [转]QT右键菜单及位置捕捉问题 Qt的右键菜单及位置 Qt signal slots and gmock - Google Groups
Qt и слоты / C++ / Sql.ru | Форум
c++ - С++ Qt сигнал и слот не срабатывают - Qaru Способ подключения сигнала и слотов Qt во время работы заключается в том, что он будет подключать только сигнал и слот, если они имеют одинаковые подписи. Если они не соответствуют точно, никакого соединения. поэтому в MainWidget.h. qt - QWidget through a slot - Stack Overflow I'm trying to make a function that'll show a widget depending on the QWidget passed to it. I have: … Nothing happens when I click the button and it comes up with ' No such slot MainWindow... Чего гаду надо? connect: No such slot…
Qt не видит сигнал, как исправить? — Toster.ru
Qt for beginners — Finding information in the documentation. Qt documentation is a very valuable piece of information. It is the place to find everything related to Qt. But, Qt documentation is not a tutorial on how to use Qt. It is a collection of all information related to classes, as well as some examples. QToolButton Class | Qt Widgets 5.12.3
Qt signal slots and gmock - Google Groups
QWidget Class | Qt Widgets 5.12.3 Since Qt 4.0, QWidget automatically double-buffers its painting, If there is no such QLayout, the result of this function is used. The default policy is Preferred/Preferred, which means that the widget can be freely resized, ... [slot] void QWidget:: hide Hides the widget. QWidget Class | Qt 4.8 Since Qt 4.0, QWidget automatically double-buffers its painting, If there is no such QLayout, the result of this function is used. The default policy is Preferred/Preferred, which means that the widget can be freely resized, ... [slot] void QWidget:: hide Hides the widget. [SOLVED] Simple QT Question: Connecting Widgets to Slots May 26, 2009 · There is no such slot - 'display(5)'. (But there is 'display(int)')Parameters to slots are automatically passed from signals. As there is no 'clicked(int)', it would be best for you to create a new class derived from QLCDNumber and create a new slot in it.
Qt Training: Fundamentals of Qt - Objects in Qt, part 2/3 - Signals and slots: Mirko Boehm, by KDAB - Продолжительность: 16:01 Qt 11 710 просмотров.Qt Tutorials For Beginners 5 - Qt Signal and slots - Продолжительность: 11:33 ProgrammingKnowledge 79 318 просмотров. Qt: Сигналы и слоты (выдержка из документации Qt 4.x) В Qt мы ввели технику, альтернативную функциям обратного вызова: мы используем сигналы и слоты.Механизм сигналов и слотов Qt гарантирует, что, если Вы соединили сигнал со слотом, слот будет вызываться с параметрами сигнала в нужный момент. Problems with Signals & Slots of QT - C / C++ No such slot QWidget::addPerson()". As u can see this means not GUI, but QWidget.I got a problem with Signals and Slots of QT. Qt is our favourite C++/MOC toolkit. Too bad this group is about standard C++, not C++/MOC or C++/CLI or any other C++. Qt 4.3: Описание класса QWidget | Документация